
Release Date
Feb 2, 2023
Released Status

New Features:

Sequencer Emissive control:

You now can drive the emissive intensity on Sequencer animations when using ExpressiveTextActor or ExpressiveTextComponent
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Blueprints can now access Chronos for Reveal Information

Allows users to query information about the Text Reveal (i.e. Is the text being revealed, how long does the reveal take, etc.).
The Chronos structure can be accessed on any of our text renderers — ExpressiveTextActor, ExpressiveTextComponent and ExpressiveTextWidget
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Also added a useful OnTextFullyRevealed delegate :
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Asset Editor Improvements

Ability to adjust the font size directly from the asset and button to toggle the text preview on/off
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Bug Fixes

  • Ensuring Light Modes asset is cooked when generating packaged builds
  • Stopped default style asset from getting garbage collected causing text to disappear. This was especially relevant on packaged builds.
  • Actions declared using the inline struct can now be triggered correctly
  • Making it impossible to render font sizes larger than 2000 to avoid accidental stalls or crashes while adjusting the font size.
  • Fixed issue where different text runs would start intersecting due to DPI not being accounted for. This was especially noticeable when using small font sizes displayed directly on screen (not in-world)

Other Changes

  • Cleaned uninitialized variables to avoid log errors when starting the engine
  • Renamed “Display Text” function that was meant for internal use only