Playing sound effects for each character

Expessive Text lets you easily play sounds for every character that gets revealed by leveraging the
feature — here’s how!
Make sure to unmute the video — Sounds retro, right?

Sourcing your sound effects

For this quick and simple example we’ve gone to an online synth website and recorded three short snippets to create some random variation. You can easily apply the same methodology for other sound effect types, like mechanical typewriter or more digital/tech feedbacks.
Audio clips imported into Unreal
Audio clips imported into Unreal

Creating a Sound Cue

Now you can create a Sound Cue (Content Browser → New Asset → Sounds → Sound Cue) and drop all the audio clips into it. We’re also randomizing the clips and applying a modulator to pitch down the clips, but that’s up to you and your imagination at this point.
Another important bit is to make sure to set up the right concurrency settings — setting Max Count to 1 and Resolution Rule to Stop Oldest makes sure that you don’t get each sound hit bleeding to the other, unless that’s what you’re specifically going for!
Creating a Sound Cue containing the sourced clips, played randomly.
Creating a Sound Cue containing the sourced clips, played randomly.
You can also use metasounds or audio middleware. Check out Advanced Uses

Creating your custom style

Create a new style asset and add the Reveal Rate and Per Character Action parameters — Make sure the reveal rate is greater than zero, select Play Sound Cue as your action and plug in the appropriate sound cue.
Setting Reveal Rate and Per Character Action on your custom style.
Setting Reveal Rate and Per Character Action on your custom style.

Putting it all together

Now it’s time to mix it all together, choose your preferred way of displaying text and write something using the newly created style
We’ve chosen to display a very thoughtful haiku on screen through the level blueprint
We’ve chosen to display a very thoughtful haiku on screen through the level blueprint

Advanced uses

In this example we’ve used the in-built Play Sound Cue action, but you can also create your own custom
to play other types of sound assets or to trigger events on other middleware (i.e FMOD or Wwise)